
Deceptive or Illegal Billing Practices

It may be hard to believe, but it is quite common for large companies, like utility providers, to engage in deceptive and oftentimes illegal billing practices. These entities frequently possess monopoly or semi-monopoly market power. Unfortunately, their improper billing practices often go unchallenged because by the countless customers who believe they have no recourse.

Smaller firms, such as energy and technology companies, often engage in these practices too. Although they do not have the market power of the larger companies, they frequently stonewall attempts at contact on the part of the person or business being billed, often for unauthorized services.

Have you been overbilled, or billed for services you never authorized? Have you been threatened with an interruption of existing services until you pay these charges? Have you cancelled services and are still being billed? Is there a company billing you that you’ve never even set up an agreement with? Did a salesperson visit your business and deceptively obtain “permission” to bill you for something you never agreed to?

At Bailyn Law, we fight to protect your rights. We aggressively complain to regulatory authorities on your behalf and, if necessary, litigate the matter. We are relentless. Our actions force the authorities and, eventually, these rogue companies, to keep prioritizing our clients’ issues until they receive justice. We have been very successful fighting large and small companies that engage in deliberately improper billing practices. We want to fight for you too! Please call us at 718-841-0025 for a free consultation.

Corporate and litigation counsel to small and mid-sized businesses and property owners.

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