Debtor/Creditor Law

Millions Saved for Business & Property Owners
Debtor/Creditor Law

The experienced insurance litigation lawyers at Bailyn Law Firm provide a full range of services to meet your needs – whether you are looking for advice delivered over a quick phone call or managing a complex lawsuit involving hundreds of millions of dollars. We serve property owners, contractors, suppliers, and subcontractors in areas such as policy disputes, coverage issues, and claim denials. Our insurance litigation lawyers can also assist you in navigating contracts to ensure favorable terms and compliance with relevant regulations. Should you require specialized guidance in insurance matters or are considering taking legal action, our insurance litigation lawyers are available for consultation.

Do I Need a Qualified Attorney for this area of Law?

The ever-increasing complexity of today’s business environment has rendered the traditional methods of practicing law obsolete. We employ a collaborative, holistic methodology based on results-oriented management techniques. Unlike the current legal system, which seeks to compartmentalize your issues into specialties, we employ an integrated team of business executives, professionals, and lawyers to bring positive, dynamic, and comprehensive solutions. Our professionals bring years of hands-on experience in dealing with complex problems, such as:

Questions You May Have

With the worldwide pandemic, a number of industries have been negatively impacted, both in the short term and the long term.

Why do you charge for a consultation?

Consultations take time away from other paying projects. Your case may or may not proceed after you have a better understanding of your legal options. This is a way for you to receive sound legal advice and to compensate Bradley Bailyn for his research into your problem and legal strategy(ies) presented to you during your consultation.

What about out-of-pocket fees?

After your consultation you will be able to choose a course of action and Bradley Bailyn will lay out options for a budget to complete legal resolution to your problem.

Who will work on my case?

Bradley Bailyn will work on your initial consultation by researching your specific problem as it relates to your exact jurisdiction and court. Should you move beyond the consultation, if you proceed with short - term action a paralegal and associate attorneys will work on your case. Should you proceed with litigation, Bradley Bailyn and Of Counsel attorneys, along with associate attorneys, case managers, and paralegals will work on your case.

Does it matter how long I wait to file a lawsuit?

Yes. Rulings and statutes change constantly at the city, state, and federal levels. New precedents are being set each business day which could prove or disprove an argument. To gain the most clarity on where your legal options stand it is best to book a consultation with Bradley Bailyn.

How much can I expect to win?

That depends. Certain courts cap damages. Payouts could depend on several factors, including but not limited to: appraised valuation of a claim by insurance, the opposing parties ability to disprove recklessness or negligence, and the long-term effects stemming from the initial incident. It's best to purchase a consultation to get an idea of what your options are and what's at stake should you pursue litigation.

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Case Studies

Unsecured Creditors

In any bankruptcy case, unsecured creditors need the most protection. They are the most likely to have their claims expunged or to receive mere pennies on the dollar.

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What Clients Say

When you hire our firm to manage your case, you have hired a team of legal advocates who care, who will keep you informed, who will fight for you

Corporate and litigation counsel to small and mid-sized businesses and property owners.

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