Contract Drafting

Get things right the first time. Let our knowledgeable and experienced attorneys design contracts customized to the needs of your business.

Anyone today can perform a search on-line and find generic contract templates for just about anything that they can download and fill out. This is a very foolish decision that could cost you and your business dearly. If you download a contract from the internet, even one you think is appropriate, you have no idea when it was drafted, for what purpose, for which state, or for which side of the deal.

Too many New York business owners, however, have found that generating and executing contracts on their own without the help of an attorney leads misinterpretation and confusion down the line. This can not only be costly but could irreparably damage valuable relationships. You may think you can’t afford the services of a contracts attorney, but the fact of the matter is that you can’t afford not to use one.

At Bailyn Law, we know that there is an art to drafting contracts, that every word and punctuation mark has meaning and purpose. We listen to what your goal is, ask the right questions, and make sure that we understand your position. Only then will we draft a comprehensive, legally binding agreement that leaves no room for the kind of misinterpretation that can devastate a business. Our services are costeffective and will ultimately save you significant time, money, and stress.

Corporate and litigation counsel to small and mid-sized businesses and property owners.

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