Equipment Leases

We structure quality agreements for leasing of vehicles and other equipment necessary to keep a business on the move.

Some business owners view the leasing of equipment as a fairly straightforward process and wonder why they might need the services of an attorney. There is a myriad of differences between leases for office equipment, vehicles, and industrial machinery.

Well, what if the equipment malfunctions? How long would your business be able to continue functioning without a printer, an industrial press, or a forklift? If you are leasing any of this equipment right now, do you know how long it would take for the equipment to be replaced or repaired if it broke? Is there a buyout at the end of the lease?

If you lease office or industrial equipment, legal assistance in crafting customized leases is of extreme importance since equipment leased IS your business’s lifeblood. You want to make sure, in your agreements, that absolutely everything is clear and that there is no ambiguity. You also want to maintain a reputation as a fair company to do business with. Good contracts will result in both these things happening. Bailyn Law’s attorneys have represented both the lessor and the lessee side in designing solid equipment leasing contracts for years. Call us today

Corporate and litigation counsel to small and mid-sized businesses and property owners.

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